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Sheldon Cooper’s First Roommate Agreement

Have you ever been curious what would happen if The Big Bang Theory became TV friends with The Wonder Years?

Come this fall, you’ll wonder no more.

My reaction to the brand new TV trailer for Young Sheldon, in a single word, which would surely appease the relentlessly efficient conversationalist, Dr. Sheldon Cooper:


P.S. Looks like Chuck Lorre has done it again.

RIP Leonard Nimoy

Famed actor and science-fiction icon Leonard Nimoy passed away today at the age of 83. Known primarily for his role as Spock in the popular television series Star Trek, Nimoy also did many other media ventures, including sitting in the director’s chair for the 1987 classic Three Men and a Baby. While I’m not a Star Trek fan/Trekkie, I do know that he’s an important figure in science-fiction popular culture. Surprisingly, his best “cameo” in television’s #1 comedy The Big Bang Theory was in name/DNA only.

Sheldon’s reaction encapsulates how many people viewed Mr. Nimoy.

Leonard Nimoy: Live Long and Happily in Our Memories.

In a World…

In a world, where people can, for a short time, jump/hop several feet in the air without being held down by the restraints of gravity, what snack will skyrocket in demand to become the most popular type of food?

Obviously, the answer is ready-to-eat butterscotch popcorn.

In a world, where people can temporarily jump/hop several feet in the air without being held down by the restraints of gravity, they need to consume something made with butterscotch. If and once they do, they will successfully simulate the true meaning behind “hopscotching” with an incomparable freedom. As a result of the immense popularity of butterscotch and its magical powers, the market explodes in demand. Butterscotch popcorn, cookies, brownies, pie, pudding, sauce, candy, ice cream and liquor start to dominate the food and beverage/frozen items industry with record sales. Ready-to-eat popcorn has recently been soaring (yes, I went there) in popularity. Accordingly, the combination of the temporary flying power of butterscotch with the popularity of popcorn has predictably elevated ready-to-eat butterscotch popcorn to the alpha position of food items for the people of the world to enjoy.

P.S. Stay Safe this Friday the 13th!

In a World…

Since today is Thursday and a new episode of “The Big Bang Theory” will be on tonight at 8:00 p.m. on CBS, I would like to present this blog’s second riddle that can only be pondered while thinking of this show.

Ready? Let’s play!

In a world, where people can, for a short time, jump/hop several feet in the air without being held down by the restraints of gravity, what snack will skyrocket in demand to become the most popular type of food?

The answer will be in tomorrow’s post!

Here is a quick refresher of “Counter-Factuals” to help get into the right (well, not right, but necessary) mindset to answer the above riddle:

Good Luck!