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November is Growing on Me

Throughout the month of November, men from all over the world voluntarily dedicate their facial appearances for a genuinely worthy cause that is bigger than a simple 5 o’clock shadow. The 30-day month (which includes the American holiday and audience-conducive Thanksgiving) will test the courage and sheer facial will of the men who dare to believe in helping their fellow XY-chromosome bros in a completely strange, yet entertaining fashion.

The event is called “Movember,” which takes place during November. In fact, there is an official “Movember” website that details the precise reasoning for encouraging men to join this growing movement that began down under in Melbourne ten years ago with each November day represented in the form of a mustache.

Globally, the funds raised by our Mo Bros and Mo Sistas support world-class men’s health programs that combat prostate and testicular cancer and mental health challenges. These programs, directed by the Movember Foundation, are focused on awareness and education, living with and beyond cancer, staying mentally healthy, living with and beyond mental illness and research to achieve our vision of an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health.

According to the Movember Foundation, there are nearly 4 million growers worldwide that sport their individual style in more than 20 countries. For those who have been willing their facial hair to grow for the past three weeks, there are a few icons whose trimming methods they can follow.

There is:

  • The Mr. Feeny (“Boy Meets World”)
  • The Albert Einstein (Genius)
  • The Ron Burgundy and Brian Fantana (“Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy”)
  • The Captain Jack Sparrow (“Pirates of the Caribbean”)
  • The Alex Trebek (“What is Jeopardy?”)
  • The Gene Shalit (Former Movie and Book Critic for the Today Show)
  • The Hulk Hogan (Wrestler)
  • The Civil War General (Self-Explanatory)

This Guy:

(Zimbio, "Famous Mustaches," 2012)

(Zimbio, “Famous Mustaches,” 2012)

  • The Captain Edward James Smith and Bruce Ismay (“Titanic”)
  • The Lt. Murtaugh (“Lethal Weapon”)
  • The Manliest Dr. Pepper Guy (Television Commercial)
  • The Bob Ross (America’s Art Teacher)
  • The Neville Sinclair (“The Rocketeer”)

and last, but absolutely not least…

  • THE Tom Selleck/Magnum P.I. (Again, Self-Explanatory)

(, 2009)

For the men who have refrained from using a razor and shaving cream, the finished product will take varying amounts of time and will look different from others as well.

Sometimes, the disparity can be humorously staggering:

“Movember” isn’t for everyone…